I'm starfyrox103! My name's Tyler Rafferty and I make stuff on the internet. Queer as hell.

Right now, I'm pushing to learn Godot so I can actually start making video games instead of rambling to myself about how I would make video games.

I also write a lot of music. I'm a bit burnt out on that right now, but I've done a lot of that which you can find both on Bandcamp, Youtube, and this website!

I kinda know FL but I mostly use vanilla Beepbox. It's just a thing I started using in the middle of high school and ended up learning most of what I know about writing music with it. It's limited, but I love how fast I can write with it. Makes it really easy to iterate on ideas fast.

A big part of what got me into making things in the first place was seeing some amateurish looking things (ala OG flash Isaac) come together really nicely. I really like making art feel like it's a thing anybody gets to do. You don't have to be a professional in whatever to make something worth someone's time. It's why I draw the way I do, on top of like. I just like how it looks because it's cool to me.

That's also why I've kept this username from when I was like, 11 making a Roblox account. I like having an alias that immediately communicates I am not a professional in any of this. Not even in a self-deprecating way. That's awesome and shouldn't stop anybody from making things.

Feels like using something like Beepbox that also makes it really easy to make the "project files" available so people can poke with it leans into that nicely. Like, what got me into making music was Exilelord's work. He releases his FL project files and my first years of making music was just transcribing his music. It demystifies the process of making things a lot and I really wish it was a thing I saw more often.

All of my music is free. Not just what I've already made, but everything that I will continue to make. It's all on Bandcamp as well if you wanna support me or just like using Bandcamp.

I've always been all about making shit available. Piracy is fucking awesome. But I was releasing my music all weird where it'd be set to Free Streaming but there's still a price on it. And there's bonus tracks because I wanted to at least be like "well if someone pays for this I don't want them to get nothing for it."

Wasn't until my friend Solska started talking about Bomb the Music Industry! a lot before I went, "if I really believe in this then why am I only half committing." and so now everything is free! Go wild.

On music, me and Solska do stuff together sometimes. We have a band slash label called Liver Party!! that kinda exploded before the first album released. But we're back in contact and things have calmed down a lot and I am so down to do more.

If you want to check out their work or what we've done under Liver Party!!, there's links in the links section of this website. It's loud and distorted as shit and awesome.

I wanna make video games! And now that I'm an adult with a job and not really any other things to deal with, I'm starting to actually double down on learning how to do that.

Easily the biggest inspiration to me is Edmund McMillen. All of his work had such an impact on 11 year old no-friends autistic loser me, and I absolutely would not be who I am now without the shit he does.

I want to make things that can inspire people the same way his work inspired me.

In the same vein, I went through a lot of real fun shit growing up with autism. Wasn't until I started talking to more people on the internet until I realized I very much wasn't alone in the same experiences.

One of my projects, Depainted, is all about that shit. On top of just Me wanting to make a cool video game I also want to actually make a thing that highlights a lot of internal struggles I and many others faced. Especially because autism representation is usually pretty dogshit.

I remember a thing that stuck out to me a lot about original Isaac is how it immediately establishes that Isaac's father is not present but in a way that doesn't even draw attention to it. "Isaac and his mother lived alone in a small house on a hill."

It sticks out to me so much. Like any media that involves divorce is like hyper focused on it, as if when that happens and you're a kid that's just what the rest of your life is about. And it felt so cool to have it be treated so casually for once like an actual fucking human experience. Not that it isn't still rough shit. But it's not the focus of everything, it's more "an extra problem that makes things that little bit worse". And then Bum-bo and Repentance happened and for some reason decided to focus entirely on the divorce thing and Man. Man repentance is really good but that stings a bit. It was handled so well before and everything surrounding it and then Tyrone Rodriguez wanted a third Final Expansion.

Point is I wanna make cool video games that I think are fun and also explore some Fun subject matter. Because its cool.

On video games, something I'm very involved with now is a game called Murder Miners!

It's a cool and pretty obscure movement shooter that's ancient and janky and somehow does a lot of stuff I haven't seen in any other multiplayer shooter, like, at all. I can ramble for hours about how cool MM is. Always say it's like "every interaction with another player turns it into a mini-figher" its Awesome.

I wrote a soundtrack for it! It has yet to be added to the game proper but it's in the Update 40 beta right now!

I also host their weekly Gamenights now! Every Saturday at 7PM EST. They're streamed live on the Murder Miners Hub Youtube and Twitch channels and we call in the MMH Discord. There's links both in-game as well as on the Links section of this website.

If you wanna shoot computer people in a $3 game and hang out, hop on! Any new people are welcome and MM's built in a way that makes it really easy to pick up. Can't recommend it enough, genuinely.

Have to thank bigdaddy2 for getting this place extra set up with the actual starfyrox103.com domain and doing all the work for hosting my music here so you can download or play them in your browser directly. I didn't even ask about it he just kinda did it and sent it to me and I went hell yeah.

Big also did a bunch of work behind the scenes to help my soundtrack for MM actually see the light of day. Fuck yeah Big. Hell yeah.

I don't know how you ran into me or my website, but thanks for checking my work out.

I hope you find something here you find neat.