Made lots of art of The End is Nigh when it was announced. It got me back into drawing things entirely and I owe a lot to it.

The TEIN intro based on what I could remember of the trailer

The Future from TEIN. For some reason I thought The Future was purple

Little ghost from TEIN that says I'm Death!

Thought about larger Creatures that could appear in The Future

Bag ash

Steven from Time Fcuk

Starfy over the old Rebirth album art thing

Starfy looking down

Starfy in the dark. I drew this kind of thing a lot. I think I drew this in the middle of a music class in high school. Class where this one guy would keep looking at me and under his breath call me a school shooter faggot. I think after a while he was getting kicked out every single day. Fun times

Starfy in the Basement

Sponge Bob

Shitty Witness

This was a request when I was on Colors 3D and I dont remember what the request was

Uncomfortably proportioned Isaac

Human ash design

Got a request to draw The Dreaded Patrick from Creature from the Krusty Krab (ass game) doing cocaine

Remember being very happy with how Delirium came out here

Newer art of Bald Guy Bald Guy

I remember thinking about making Bald Guy Bald Guy an actual thing where the premise is the boss dude with hair puts up fake job listings for fake office buildings as a front for whatever bullshit and the two Bald Guys actually come into it and the boss has to keep up this elaborate facade that they have actual jobs. Then I forgot about that for 10 years

I remember I liked drawing Azazel a lot