Video game sciencey wrench girl I saw in a dream

I think this was birthday art for Wormboy

I think this also was. Used to know each other, wonder how he's been doing

Old non-1:1 album art concept

Art for my old track "What Could've Been"

The Visitor from Depainted

Crusty old art of The Victim from Depainted

Old halloween PFP

The friend from TEIN

Starfy with crosses everywhere ala that sick ass Ultrakill art

very old character thats also a boss for Depainted

The full Tower to Nowhere I made for a video

The old Tower to Nowhere art

Mockup of Tombs for Depainted

Assembly line crusher Starfy design for Departurition

Art for Soulless style track I never finished

Comically dark art of The Pit for Depainted

Depths boss for Depainted

Also depths boss. This one goes hard

fly boss for basement that was based on a friend we lost contact with waaaay back

Weird old mockup of The End

TEIN Ending

Anniversary art for TEIN

made this in high school, based on the little skull death screen from TEIN

Poke your head into the Future!

Promotional art for my now private discord server

PFP art for a music only YT channel I never used

Characters I had

It's Starfy!

Depainted enemy concept

Super Meat Boy Forever menu background

For some reason I made all the really old Depainted mockups really dark

Scribble starfy

Ruin from TEIN

Old art of okayroutt

I thought this guy was the coolest guy ever

I remember I had a phase with Clone Hero and I was making charts a lot. And I wanted to chart some stuff he made. And I reached out and asked if I could see the notes so it would be easier to chart and he just sent me the like tracker project files for a bunch of shit. So I just have those sitting around 7 year old DMs now. That was awesome man thanks and that Groove Grave chart also turned out dope

Tombs boss for Depainted. I remember my friends really liked this guy

Robot Starfy designs for a friends thing and i dont remember what the thing was

Old mockup of Rift for Depainted. Floors mechanic used to involve things entering and exiting the light rays but now Rift just introduces enemies with laser shots

Old Consciousness art

Really Good Delirium

Art for Radley who is also a guy I haven't seen in years

QUOTE!!! hes still my favorite guy

I drew him a lot

I had a huge phase with Cave Story. I played through Hell on a Rock Band guitar and now I dont even know how the fuck I got good at beating Core with the fucking Polar Star

Other old halloween PFP. I like this design a lot actually

Old halloween PFP

Art I made to hype up among friends who did not play Clone Hero at all my Clone Hero chart pack

New years art for the server I was mostly in in 2018. I only still know three of these people. The guy on the right is actually Sertif who went on to work on fucking Pizza Tower. I remember my friend tried to get me hooked up with him to make some video games, but I was a dumbass dipass teenager and didn't know how to actually do anything so I made an ass of myself. And sometimes I wonder if hes ever like Oh yeah what the fuck was starfys deal. Probably not we were both dipshit kids back then

Departurition thing


Old departurition art I still really like actually

very old Depainted art with character that no longer exists. She had a sword

Really weird concept. Depainted was gonna have a weird split after Daydream that's like. Imagine if there were like 6 other floors alongside Sheol and Cathedral that branched off the same point in Isaac. Yeah i cut this this was ridiculous and its where some of the other weird floors came from like Bedroom

Old art of the Consciousness boss. Used to be on the ground chasing sideways

I remember thinking this was the sickest shit ever

The old Depainted characters

Old character select mockup

I remember when I finally got a phone I made this the image it showed on the always on display thing

Old design for Depths

I drew weird wonky designs for Consciousness a lot

really old Depainted boss concept i probably won't keep

Really weird old Bellek boss mockup

Really Super weird mockup for a Starfy fight on a Bedroom floor. This was before I really figured out what Depainted was supposed to even be about

Album art concept

Art based on Monochrome by Exilelord. I like the little guy

Old real me drawing. I really got gayer since then huh

art of Mango who was a guy i thought was cool

Character designs based on malware types they're kinda lame

very loose starfys

Departurition logo

some friends were doing a thing where we were drawing a tarot card each. remember being really happy with this

Album art i am 100% fucking remaking and using eventually. i drew this absent mindedly while at a Tim Hortons with friends on my fucking 3ds how does it go this hard

Depainted boss design I forgot about entirely

In high school I had an assignment to make a movie poster in Photoshop and I got the OK to not exactly do what I'm supposed to do and go wild with the brush and I made this. I remember I made this my phone wallpaper back then too

Old design for Depainted boss. Friends thought he was sick he uses his noose as a whip. He has cracks around one eye now so he looks cooler

Old boss intro mockup

First ever mockup of Depainted. So much has changed and also this looks particularly bad wow

Art I made for my friend Fabric who is awesome and makes amazing stuff


Depainted enemy designs

Art for Dusty Dungeon Dash

old Depainted boss design. Proportions are way less "Just a guy" now but otherwise hes still the same. Hes just bigger and doesnt have huge legs for some reason

Mockup of really weird game concept Depths of the Desktop I might do something with some day

Art for Doodle Starfy


Art for Doodle Pit

Album art for Discard Pile

Art for Depths of the Desktop with a bunch of enemy/boss designs based on old and new malware. The big lock is supposed to be wannacry. It was really messy but I should do something with it some day

more Depths of the Desktop

Depression from Depainted

Departurition art

Map for Departurition based on TEIN

Very much based on TEIN

More departurition

More More Departurition

Departurition scribbles

Shitty old Depainted shop design

Old Depainted items

Wonky art for a Starfy four souls card that doesnt actually really work

Old Depainted boss art

Asset from a Depainted opening mockup that was also from before I knew what it was supposed to even be about. This isn't part of it anymore most things about Depainted from this time got changed completely

Depainted logos. The name Depainted: Null and Void goes pretty far back actually

Case and point Depainted was gonna end with a weird escape sequence. What even is this

More wonky boss art

Departurition Starfy globe thing

Daydream asshole

Album art concept

Consciousness VS screen mockup

Clicky Buttons transition screen concept

Old Clicky Buttons art


Cardboard Friend

Real buttons I made in high school. The print was abysmal I loved them

old Bunker floor for Depainted. This was originally gonna be Chapter 2 after basement/freezing basement

Legend of Bum-Bo art. It doesn't feel like it was really that long ago that I'd be making art of it on my 3DS still but it is. Damn

Bum-Bo Depainted thing

Big robot Starfy ala BFBB

Very like Spongebob game robot enemy design boss for Depainted


Very old Depainted stuff

More Depression

I think this was the first art of Depression for Depainted. Weird theres a Floor here