Original Work

All of my music is free to download on Bandcamp and will be forever.
Unless Bandcamp explodes, then it'll be free somewhere else

Murder Miners

My latest and greatest, this album's had a weird and complicated life but is currently in the beta for Update 40 of Murder Miners. If people like it, it's staying in the game! May or may not be delayed to an update after Update 40 though.

Listen on starfyrox103.com
Murder Miners on Bandcamp
Murder Miners on Youtube

Depainted: Null and Void

Expansion album for Depainted OST that turns it into a full Isaac soundtrack. Now with extra crispy tracks for Fiend Folio!

Listen on starfyrox103.com
Depainted: Null and Void on Bandcamp
Depainted: Null and Void on Youtube
Depainted: Null and Void: Volume 2 on Youtube
Soundtrack mod on Steam (Repentance only)

Depainted OST

Full soundtrack to my own little video game that doesn't exist but I will damn well make happen one day. First album I ever put together and released, and went out of my way to release it on my birthday because it's relevant :) Hopefully one day you'll get to see why. Whole album's still really special to me.

Listen on starfyrox103.com
Depainted OST on Bandcamp
Depainted OST on Youtube

The Starfy Archives

This is a collection of scattered around old tracks I wrote before Depainted that never had a good place for me to put them. Also includes tracks I wrote for another fake video game "Discard Pile" that was far more vague and messy of a concept than really anything else I had. But it still got me to start making music. Some friends of mine like some of the FL stuff that's here but I think all of this is pretty ass. It's just here so they're not all lost to time forever.

Listen on starfyrox103.com
The Starfy Archives on Bandcamp


Solska - Weekend Christ

I did some backing vocals for Soulseek and I wrote the backing track for Tyler's Skower Hour. I'm also the guy that Ivan's Day at the Berlin Wall is about. This album's really fucking good check it out.

Weekend Christ on Bandcamp
Weekend Christ on Youtube

Liver Party!! - Ressurecting Tyler Rafferty

Me and Solska's disaster band that had us cut ties for a few months managed to get this album released. Jonah was a really hard strain on me and my friends and my continued work on Murder Miners, while I could barely stick to deadlines and was getting high as shit all the time just to see the end of every week. Fun times. That's in the past now and I think we're on OK terms now. Jonah finished up half of this album alone and they did really good. Excited to do more stuff that isnt VGM soon.

Listen on starfyrox103.com
Ressurecting Tyler Rafferty on Bandcamp