Resurrected Tyler Rafferty

July 3rd, 2024

Been a while, huh? I haven't really touched this place at all for a long time.

bigdaddy2 (of Murder Miners Hub) I guess ran out of MM to work on and sent me a github link for He just got that and I guess I might as well use it if i have full on now.

A lot of stuff's happened. Taking my foot off the gas with music for the time being, I'm very burnt out now.

Me and Solska cut ties for a few months because the making of our album in our band Liver Party!! was going like absolute shit. We're on better terms now, they showed up for gamenight for the first time in months and we got to talk. Things are better now.

On MM, not much has happened on the music front, but I'm now considered a Contributor and now my chat is purple in-game. so that's sweet.

What I'm focusing on right now is learning gamedev stuff proper. Nothing really in the way anymore and this is what I want to do with my life, might as well start attacking it.

The album under Liver Party!! did get finished and Solska did a really good job on what was left to do. If you wanna hear it, it's at the bottom of the Music page.

This website's going through some redesigns right now (also thanks big! he made it a lot fancier all around and you can listen to all my music on itself now!) so you'll probably notice things shift around if you're some weirdo that keeps refreshing my website. Thanks for sticking around though.

I'll have more to show soon. I've had a whole Games button unused here for a while...